LOST AND FOUND Pfingstaktion 2021 - Thanh Niên Công Giáo
Chương trình Online với chủ đề „Lost and Found“ của Thanh Niên Công Giáo (TNCG)
✽ Samstag 22.05
☒ 09:00 Täglicher Morgenimpuls → https://discord.gg/EJurYCYqGW
☒ 13:00 Flashmob Tutorial Zoom → ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
☒ 16:30 Jugendmesse Online Zoom → ID 852 8381 4318 Kenncode TNCG
☒ 20:00 Praystation Online Zoom → ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
✽ Sonntag 23.05
☒ 09:00 Täglicher Morgenimpuls → https://discord.gg/EJurYCYqGW
☒ 12:00 Poetry Workshop → Teilnahme nur über DM via Zoom
☒ 14:00 Sustainable Development Goals Workshop: Explore what the SDG are for? → Zoom ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
☒ 16:00 Game day Volume 2 → Teilnahme nur über DM via Zoom
☒ 20:00 Show Your Talent! Online → Zoom ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
✽ Montag 24.05
☒ 09:00 Täglicher Morgenimpuls → https://discord.gg/EJurYCYqGW
☒ 14:00 Sustainable Development Goals Workshop: Get together and make the world better → Zoom ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
☒ 20:00 Let's Talk About Boatpeople → Zoom ID: 863 5291 6303 Kenncode TNCG
Last modified on Freitag, 14/05/2021